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Documentation for "RETINAFRACT"
@$Ver: RFract_V0.76
1. Short:
RETINAFRACT is a fractal-program for the Retina Z2/Z3- card.
It can render 8Bit-colered pictures in wonderfull Resolutions.
It was written completeley in Assembler and it uses the FPU-
Extended-Real format so it is quick and can calculate in a range
from 10^-8192 to 10^+8192 !
2. System-requirement:
Kickstart: >= 2.0
CPU/FPU: >= 68020 + 68881/882 oder 68040
Grafic-Adapter: Retina, any RAM
RAM: 10k program + buffer
Size of buffer: 2*horizontal pix * vert pix
z.B. 1024x768: 1,6 MB
The buffer is only used when saving a picture.
Libraries: Retina.library
3. Law
This program is Shareware, that means, that, if You like it,
You should send about 10$ to the following address (I spendet
a lot of time to make this program)
Christoph Mayer
St.-Sebastian-Str. 3
86470 Thannhausen
All rights are reserved to the author of this program.
You can copy it freely as long as you don't change the files
and copy this documentation with it.
If You find bugs or want something changed, you can write to me
or send a message to EMail chris@Teflon.rz.uni-augsburg.de.
4.How Do I Use?:
!!!!!!! This is a CLI-program. Don't start it with an icon because a
Software-Failure would occure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So simply start a shell and type:
RFract immediatly starts to render a Mandelbrot-Pic with 320x200
Pixels and 64 Iterations. You can stop it with CTRL-C.
Außerdem ist die vordefinierte Palette nicht immer die
schönste. Deshalb gibt es einige Extra-Funktionen.
Es stehen folgende Auflösungen zur Verfügung:
Key | Screen | Iterations | comment
1 160x127 32 only for fast selecting an area
2 320x200 64 also
3 640x512 128 nice
4 800x600 256 good, but not as fast as low res.
5 1024x768 256 phantastic
6 1280x1024 512 also
7 1600x1200 256 insane
8 1900x1426 512 ultimate,but time!
m Mandelbrot Apfelmännchen (You know it, fast)
j Julia of Mandelbrot. (An cross occures. With that You can
point on the coordinates that will be used as the
x exp Exponent(z/1.8) * Lamda (interresting)
c cosexp Cosinus-Exponent-Fraktal (pretty)
i sinexp Sinus-Exponent-Fraktal (nice, but slow)
Weitere Tastenbelegungen:
a define area-> render a part of the fractal.
p Palette load-> A requester occures in order to get the name
of the palette to be loaded (256 colors)
s Save-> A requester occures and You can type in the save-name.
!!!! Type in or select a path name or nothing will be saved !!!!!
There have to be opened 2 Buffers because a conversion
has to be made and reading single pixels from the retina
is real slow. It's obvious that You need a lot of RAM
because of this.
CTRL C Stop rendering
ESC stop area-definition
q Quit-> quit program. You have to stop rendering first (CTRL C)
5. Known bugs:
The programm does not work with a CON:-patch, that patches the Keyboard-
behaviour (for example KingCon).
6. Future releases:
Probably, i will create a gui-controlling for the program and add some functions.
Well, but i don't know when i have the time to do this.
7. Contents:
Paletten (DIR)
That's all, folks!